We Make Thing With Love

The Story

Weaving a Better World
Fab Himalaya is an association of Indian Himalayas women that empowers women as solution to end poverty by creating employment in these Himalayan valleys. We believe everyone should have equal access to education, healthcare, and decent work. Our weaver’s family have a far-reaching impact to coming as associations. Their steady income had lead to earning their livelihood around their needs, able to invest in their children’s education and gain more confidence in the future.
We also believe that the success of such an endeavour relies on a happy and empowered workforce, one who can stay rooted in their culture while gaining exposure from the world around them. We honour each of these guiding principles equally and without compromise.
In our Himalayan Valley, spinning and weaving was mostly the work of farmers who had the winter months in their houses to keep busy themselves with weaving other than agriculture and mother would weave on the loom in her kitchen and teach her daughter the art as she went and they would sell their wares in the marketplace. Then her daughter would teach her own daughter and so on down through the ages.

Our artisans are faced with many obstacles, most of which derived by the fact that they cannot read or write. They just mastered the back strap loom just like their mothers and grandmothers did.

It is arguably the oldest method of weaving.
Our wool is ethically sourced
Our wool comes from yak, sheep and goat raised by nomadic herders and local shepherds on the Himalayan Plateau. Each spring, they begin to lose their soft wool underlayer for the summer. In a process that is painless for the animals, the herders collect the loose wool and bring it to market.
cruelty free